My name is Julie Wood
I love plants! Most especially those that grow naturally wild and strong. Whilst bringing up my family I undertook the four-year degree in Herbal Medicine, qualified in 2005, and have been practising as a Medical Herbalist since then. I am a member of the National Institute of Herbal Medicine (MNIMH).
I work with Neal’s Yard Remedies as their Herbal Technical Consultant, co-authored their book ‘Complete Wellbeing’, and developed and taught their Introduction to Herbal Medicine courses for several years. I have taught herbal medicine at RHS Wisley in addition to my own private workshops.
I am deeply involved with Shaftesbury Abbey museum having been working there as a volunteer in the gardens for 20 years. I helped design the Abbey gardens to include specialist medieval herbs, and I lead events, walks and talks, focusing on plant healing ancient and modern. My strong connection with Shaftesbury also led me to produce a year of weekly audio podcasts around local herbs for “This Is Alfred”, our local daily news and features podcast station.
My special interest is in the old traditions of our land, our Celtic heritage and spiritual beliefs. My studies of both British Native Shamanism with Elen Sentier, and Plant Spirit Medicine with Eliot Cowan, Alison Guyott and Pam Montgomery, have taken my work with plants and with our land to a deeper level. I am now weaving this knowledge into my work offering Plant Spirit Healing and shamanic based healing preactices. My courses connect us with the spirit of the plants, the land and their medicine.
I've always loved plants!
Find out how our plant healing can help you